Tuesday 27 May 2014

I have to share this in light of last post!

I realised on writing review for TGWATG that I had never actually reviewed The Enemy series by Charlie Higson - too busy devouring them! So I have just been onto Goodreads to add a review to my 5* rating:

"I took a punt at this because I had a Kindle token to spend. I am so glad that I did! I loved this book, in fact, I loved the whole series as I have bought them all to date! I know this is YA and I am 44, I just don't care - it is marvellous. We are introduced to a cornucopia of characters, some of whom we come to know and love, some of whom are just very dead very soon. I personally really admire someone who is not afraid to kill off characters and I think it particularly works in a dystopian novel. In reality, would someone survive just because they were popular or attractive or "nice"? Equally, less pleasant people do seems to have a habit of surviving in real life so that Higson employs this within this book just makes it more believable. If you haven't read this, you need to do so! If you have, then read the rest - you will not regret it I promise!"

Catching Up....

I have finally started overcoming BabyBrain and finding myself more able to read nearer the speeds to which I was always accustomed. Not quite at my usual pace but I was still delighted to read a book in a day last week (I say day, this means whilst K had morning and afternoon naps plus an hour at bedtime). So to recap then:
The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
The first 3/4 of this book was just utterly sublime. The descriptions of Prague, of Karou and of her "family" were just breathtaking and transported me to another world. I was really excited by this book initially and felt like I had just fallen in love! The characters were well drawn generally and the plot was unfolding seamlessly. I did however find the tale of Madrigal a little predictable, not sure if it was meant to be but there were certainly no gasps of surprise here. I had been totally immersed in this book but somehow came adrift a little in the last part. That might have been due to the length of time before I picked it back up again (about 6 hours) however and therefore I do not wish to labour this point too much. Suffice it to say the book was enjoyable and compelling enough for me to have secured the second in the series.

The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R Carey
I started this with a  free sample on my Kindle and wanted more as a result. Now those who know me, know my love of zombies - The Enemy Series by Charlie Higson has to be one of my all-time favourites and I am a HUGE The Walking Dead fan. That said, zombies are a tried and tested genre and often fall into similar patterns. In this, as with The Enemy and The Cell (Stephen King), we see a different zombie to the usual mindless cannibals. These are not only sentient but are also children, a delightful twist. The main protagonist is Melanie and we learn about her world in a facility. The highlight for her are her lessons with Miss Justineau and she comes to have a huge significance for Melanie. I loved this book. The main characters were really well constructed and believable, the plot was beautifully unfolded to its stunning denouement and Melanie, well she wasn't quite the docile compliant girl we first thought (but I'll say no more to avoid Spoilers!). All in all this was a really good read and definitely one I would recommend.